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Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 5--McMinnville to Seattle

Aurelia had a rough time leaving Matt & Brielle's place.  I don't think it was leaving Matt & Brielle so much as their insanely cute dog Jackie.  She had a blast feeding here a couple dog treats in the morning and Jackie was patient enough to not bite Aurelia's hand off.
When we had to go Aurelia threw a fit.
On the outskirts of town we stopped by Evergreen Aviation and saw the infamous spruce goose.

OMG 747 roof how did the pilot do that?  HOW DID HE DOOOO THAAAAT?
On our drive up to Seattle we ate at our first of hopefully many fast food joints.  Aurelia thanked mom with a dandelion she picked.  We crossed our first 1,000 mile marker on the way up!

We arrived in Seattle around 3:30, checked into our hotel and then headed out to City Center where we would meet up with Beth's family; Uncle Rodney, Auntie Charlene, and cousins Jon and Jeremy.

Yep, that's an actual picture of us BEYOND the space need with Mt. Rainer in the distance.  Technology is mind-blowing.  Jon was still at work so we had to stop by and pick him up.  Aurelia was soaking in the new terrain and Auntie Charlene couldn't put her down.

After meeting up with Jon we all headed over to a great local restaurant called Dukes.  Ono soups and fish and talking story with family.
And then on the ride back to the hotel we stopped and looked at the downtown skyline
 Another great relaxing day.  Today we'll explore downtown for a few hours and then we're off to Spokane and glacier national park!


  1. I love Washington! I have family that lives on Olympia, Chehalis, and Rochester. The countryside is beautiful, right? I am glad you guys had the opportunity to explore it.


  2. Hurricane Headed East!

  3. I love the picture of Mt. Ranier & Aurelia and all the other people.


  4. how awesome. so many fun visits and seattle is beautiful!
