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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 33 & 34 -- Albuquerque to Flagstaff to Bakersfield

Sunday started with a trip to the local catholic church to attend mass with Brett and Jess.  Then we ended up "just muffin' around" as Brett likes to say.  That's actually the name of a local breakfast place in Albuquerque that's pretty good.

After that we hung around Brett and Jess' place talking for a bit.  Aurelia played with George and received some high quality hair gel.
Then she played with me...
Then we practiced being lazy together...we're on vacation!
And finally we said our goodbyes to Brett, Jess, and George.
The drive to Flagstaff was uneventful aside from the smokey haze we had the whole way due to the wildfires.  Aurelia ended the night by reading the paper.

The drive to Bakersfield began well enough--but an hour and a half go by and we come to a screeching halt.

Yep...we apparently missed a big motorcycle accident by about 5 minutes.  The closed the freeway for 2 hours (cars were backed up over that hill in the last picture by about the hour and a half point).  It wasn't all that bad though.  We just stretched our legs, read the paper, held Aurelia up towards the sky to get some pictures...

The rest of the drive to Bakersfield was a whole lotta this...

We arrived in Bakersfield just before 8 so we didn't have time to explore the area.  We hit the sack to prepare for our drive to Santa Cruz the next day.  Woo!


  1. wow. the traffic was stopped enough that you got out of the car and just chilled? crazy.
    aurelia looks like a mini-phil as she reads through the paper. so cute.

  2. oh and thanks for showing us your belly, phil. thanks.
